Sunday, May 12, 2013

Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn

Today was pretty laid back. My teacher was out today and we had a substitute in; however, she was pulling students to take the ISEL test so she wasn't even in the room.

We began the day by reviewing some math. We focused on a few areas that the kids need some reminding about: the terms, where to start when graphing (the top or the bottom of the graph), etc. We did a fun activity on the SmartBoard and then followed it up with a worksheet. Most of the kids seemed to grasp it. We're going to start to move on now.

For guided reading, I asked if the kindergarten aide could pull the five students who were absent on Friday to finish a math review sheet. While she did that in the tech room, I pulled guided reading groups in the classroom. It went really well. I felt so much more organized and I could get through groups more quickly while still reading a book or two with each group. What a difference!

In reading, we started our unit on caterpillars and butterflies. The kids have been really excited
about this for a while. They keep looking at the jar of caterpillars in our room. Today we read a story and then we finished up a project from the other day. That one is going on the bulletin board outside. Tomorrow we'll read another story about caterpillars, non-fiction this time, and then do an art project. We'll also spend some time reading a word family book and doing some phonics.

We started off our day with a little bit of math. We did a quick review of some of the ideas that a few students still seemed to struggle with before taking the post-assessment. Just based on observations, the students seemed to do very well. It will be interesting to look those over tonight. Finding and implementing an assessment 'quiz/test' has been cool. It has definitely opened my eyes to better understanding how to analyze "individual and group performance in order to design instruction that meets learners' current needs in the cognitive...level of development" (IPTS #2 Human Development and Learning: Performance).

In reading, we began by reading a word family book. Unfortunately, because milk is late sometimes, we start reading, have milk, and then finish reading afterward. Let me tell you, that makes for some difficult transitions. However, it seemed to go alright today. We then read a non-fiction book about caterpillars. We talked about how they turn into butterflies and learned a lot about different kinds and colors of butterflies. The kids were really engaged in the lesson. Then, we made paper chain caterpillars. This was fun and the kids got into it. They turned out really cute! I'm hoping to find a way to display their work somehow. And afterward, we did a writing assignment in our journals. I began a sentence and then had students finish it and draw their accompanying picture. Of course, the sentence was about butterflies. Most students did very well; some did not quite finish before it was time for computers.

Today was hot lunch -- which I forgot about until I realized that on these days, lunch is half an hour later. So not only do the kids complain about how hungry they are, but I needed to fill that
extra time. So, we took out the reading we had saved for later and finished that. I also let the kids come up, table by table, to look at the caterpillars in the jar up front. They find this so fascinating! I can't wait to tap into some of that excitement!

Gym. Park. Home.

Today started off really well. Math went fine -- we did a pre-assessment for our new unit: time. Some kids did really well with this; they were able to take an educated guess about what time the clock showed despite having no knowledge about the concepts. This was really cool to see.

However, some kids seemed to get a little frustrated with the assessment even though I kept reminding them that it was alright if they didn't know the answers yet -- we hadn't covered the material so I obviously don't expect them to know it. After a few more reassurances, they were fine and we finished the page.

Guided reading was fine -- as usual. Because of the strange timing of the school year, there is a lot going on in the classroom and outside of it. For example, my teacher was pulling students out of the
room all day for a mother's day project we're working on. It's a fun project -- a cookbook filled with recipes submitted by the kids. I've actually played a large role in this project. I typed up the recipes and printed them off. I also had to find a few recipes for the kids who didn't bring any in. It's been cool to get this experience too.

And, when my teacher's not pulling kids for that, she's pulling other students for testing. And then there's a sub who's pulling students for a different kind of assessment. And the RTI teacher pulls students all day. And it's Teacher Appreciation week so room moms are in and out for various reasons. Let's just say, I'm definitely practicing my patience.

There was a luncheon for all teachers and aides today because of Teacher Appreciation week. However, there was a miscommunication with the time of the lunch, so it ended up starting late. So, the lunch began at noon instead of 11:30 and ended around 1 or so. That means we missed music and went straight into calendar. Because I didn't have time to pass out papers and folders when the kids were at music, we had to switch around the way in which we completed this

The kids didn't take this too well. And we didn't have time to go to the park as the afternoon as a reward for not losing a star. Instead, we played a quick round of Freeze Dance. I guess it sufficed. And then we were a minute or two late to leave for the bus. Overall, our afternoon was thrown off. It was a little hectic but, again, I was given the opportunity to practice patience and flexibility.

It was a very 'growing' kind of a day.

Math was good today. We talked more about time and the kids really seemed to pick it up quickly. On the little on-line quiz we took, they needed a bit of extra explanation but overall were grasping the concept. I was a little surprised by the depth of their thinking at one point. The question was: which takes more time -- sleeping or reading a book? (And, of course, pictures were present). But some of the kids were asking, 'well, how long's the book?' One even made a comment about the Bible, noting that reading that book would take a long time. I was impressed by this clarification of thought and pointed it out to them.

Guided reading went well too. I started off by pulling a few of the lower readers who had missed a few phonics sheets we've been doing lately. I wanted to work one-on-one with them to finish those and get that extra practice. However, that meant less time for reading groups. You win some, you lose some, I guess. I did get to a few groups though.

Computers, lunch, reading. I read another book about caterpillars and butterflies. The book really held their attention and they were focused and listening. Then, we did a writing assignment as a whole class. However, I quickly realized that the idea was a bit over their heads so we didn't spend a ton of time on it. They were getting frustrated which was making me lose patience (something I need to work on, for sure), so we finished it up quickly and moved on.

We played a few quick rounds of heads up seven up for their behavioral treat today. I also tried something new by walking around the room to ask the students who had to sit out today why they couldn't play the game. I encouraged them to try harder tomorrow. I'm hoping this will help those students work toward a good day tomorrow and in the future.

Overall, a solid day.

Today was a pretty good day overall. After math, we had a visit from a preschool class who came to observe a kindergarten lesson. Luckily, my teacher had given me a heads up a couple of weeks ago. She had asked that I prepare a lesson that was appropriate for both age groups and involved a hands-on activity as well to get the kids moving. All the kids seemed to enjoy the lesson and it wasn't over anyone's head.

I read a story about the rainbow (and colors), showed a youtube video about colors, and then we made a (fairly simple) rainbow art project. I had prefaced the lesson to my kindergarteners by reminding them to be on their best behaviors for the lesson to show the preschool kids how well behaved they were. I also asked that they be good helpers to the little kids during the art project. It was fun to see the kids working together so well. What a cool thing to see.

This threw off our whole day, though. This lesson took place during our usual guided reading time so the kids kept asking when we would be doing centers. We ended up doing centers/guided reading after the preschool lesson and it almost seemed like a normal day after that. After milk, we did reading/writing and then lunch. After lunch we did Calm Classroom again. I started the week off doing this and then, as things got busy, I dropped it for a few days. On Fridays, the kids get excited so I figured it would be a good idea to calm them down for the afternoon. I'm glad I did.
Calm Classroom

Gym, and then surprise box. The kids got a little wound up right after gym so it was a matter of bringing them back in. I turned off the lights and they sat with their heads down for a few minutes to get the room quiet. After surprise box, it was time to go home. Again, I ensured that the kids were quiet because they were excited to go home for the weekend.

Overall a good (busy, but good) day.


  1. Good job being flexible about your schedule and your reward system. It sounds like you're able to meet the kids where they are and design an environment that will meet their needs.

    I appreciated the creativity you displayed in formulating a smart board lesson and coming up with a variety of engaging activities around your caterpillar theme.

    I'll look forward to seeing you on Friday, Lindsay. Have a good week!

    Mrs. Boersma

  2. Wow!

    What a busy week. You are learning to be flexible with your schedule and to make adjustments as needed during the day. I'm glad you are able to give assessments and see growth or use them to change future plans. It is a great teacher skill.

    It sounds like you are trying a lot of things to manage the class; most are being very successfui. Kudos.

    Enjoy your week this week.
