Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hand Washing 101

Not many people get to say they spent four hours today learning about how to properly stay flu-free.

Lucky me, right?

Looking back, it actually wasn't that bad. It was just a long day of listening. And watching. And basically waiting. I got to observe in my class again, though. It's so fascinating. I think I could watch this class forever and find new things to consider and wonder about everyday. Like why certain students behave the way they do. Or how music can have such a big impact on a student who definitely can't sing, let alone dance (and yet, that's one word that he repeats constantly).

Yeah, I definitely did a lot of thinking today. And I have a lot to learn. And remember. And just know.

It's crazy how real everything is now -- no more memorizing definitions or trying to stay awake to a video, or role-playing with classmates (my favorite, right?). And yet, despite my initial feelings of inadequacy and insecurity in this kind of classroom, I just keep remembering that everyone has to learn these things. These settings take time to get used to because you have to know the students, really know them, before you can interact with them effectively. You have to know what they understand, how they might respond, how they will communicate, what they like to talk about, etc. It's a process. And I'm going to have to take it slowly -- maybe painfully slowly -- whether I like it or not. And I'm going to learn from this experience. A lot.

But, I'm looking forward to that part :)

1 comment:

  1. Lindsay,
    You have been placed in this classroom because you and only you have something can contribute. You have a purpose in being there. Use your gifts so that God can be glorified in this setting. You do have much to learn and I am so happy that you have chosen to learn, change and grow in your profession.
    Keep your eyes open and you will see miracles.
